Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another MRI :-)

I had another MRI exam this week. Of course I was scared (I always am, its life and death after all) But thank God I have a loving girlfriend who is a BIG support.
I got the result already:
...seems I still stay alive.
My current self-treatment regimen: Green tea (lots), Trader Joe's Flaxseed Oil (rich in GLA, gamma linoleic acid), one big sip per day, morning or evening. Daily 1 cup of tea made from a mixture of Cherimoya/Graviola bark and "Cats Claw" per day

So far there are NO SIGNS OF TUMOR RECURRANCE!! No voucher for permanent cure of course so I will continue my "personalized anti-brain tumor regimen".

I was very sad to hear that Teddy Kennedy (whom I respect very much) was diagnosed with Glioma. My best wishes are with him and I sincerely hope he will be able to continue to be as inspiring as he was throughout his (pre-diagnosis) life.