Tuesday, February 7, 2017

12 years!

February 7th 2005, day of surgery. The first doctor who saw me at the first hospital gave me "a year, maybe a year and a half" Too bad I do not have his email address.  I would love to send some pictures of a life that did not happen.
I am aware, medical science says these things are "incurable" but what the heck! Here I am,  12 years have passed, and they were worthwhile!
So any fellow ex-patient reading this, hold on and dont let the bastard get you!

Thomas :-)


  1. It's so weird- I tend to check up on your blog for the first time in ages not long after you've posted. Congrats with your 12-years-survival-day! Wishing you a happy thirteenth year, still kicking. All the best from Ingrid (still up north)

  2. Hi Ingrid,
    actually the post you commented ion was last year (2017) already, and as you can tell now, also the thirteenth year did treat me well.
    All the best to you and keep it up!

    Thomas :-)

  3. I guess last year took a toll on my consentration and memory :-P I'll blame it on radiation and chemo. Happy to hear you are still doing well!! Wishing you a good 2018! Ingrid

    1. Ingrid,
      good to hear from you! A late reply from me, sorry for that. Yes, Radiation and Chemo blur the mind. It will get better after a while. Although my short-term memory still is bad- always was BTW-. But doing these things is necessary it seems, everything that improves the odds is a good thing. And taking Chemo was actually helpful because art made me feel I am killing the thing. But anyway, Temodar is a LOT better compared to the horrible stuff they used to give. I took something like 14 cycles, then I stopped, since there are no data out there , I followed a vague body feeling. that its enough. Are you getting anything else besides that? (Kytril against nausea, usually) I heard often they prescribe Thalidomide now as an add-on. I never took that, so I do not know, how it affects daily life. The only thing I am stuck with (probably for life) is Levetiracetam (Keppra) against seizures. Works well for me, virtually no side effects, as much as I can tell. I even drink beer and wine. no problem.
